Twilio SMS Notifications

When you install and activate Twilio SMS Notifications add-on, you will find a new tab within Tickera Settings area named Twilio SMS.

Now, in order for this to work, you will have need an active Twilio account which you can create here.

Once you have your account, you will need to grab a couple of things which are needed to set up Twilio SMS Notification add-on for Tickera.

So, when logged in, click on the arrow next to your username (email) on the top right and select Account like the picture below suggests:


When that page loads, focus on the API Credentials part of the page and you should be able to easily find your Account SID and Auth Token (for both Live and Test purposes)


Save those credentials somewhere safe as you will need it later or just leave this browser window open so you can later copy and paste them to Tickera Settings.

Now, we need just one more thing for Twilio - an Twilio phone number which will be used to send texts. If you don't already have one, you can purchase it here.


OK. That's about it for the Twilio side of setup. Let's head now to Tickera Settings -> Twilio SMS and enter all the credentials we have previously collected from our Twilio account:



  1. Account SID - enter here your Account SID obtained from your Twilio account
  2. Auth Token - enter here Auth Token obtained from your Twilio account
  3. From Phone Number - enter here a phone number that you have purchased from Twilio

Next, we need to set options for Admin SMS Notifications:



  1. Admin Purchase Notifications - select whether to send a text message to the admin after each successful purchase
  2. Admin Phone Number - enter here a phone number of the admin
  3. Message Content - enter any text you would like for admin to receive. You can also use Tickera proprietary placeholders such as ORDER_ID, ORDER_TOTAL and ORDER_ADMIN_URL

Now, off to set up options for collecting mobile numbers of your customers. Here you will find following set of options:



  1. For Ticket Buyers - select whether to collect mobile numbers of the ticket buyers or not
  2. Buyer Phone Field Title - enter the title of the mobile phone number field that will be used on the checkout
  3. Buyer Phone Field Description - the description of the buyer mobile phone field
  4. For Ticket Owners - select whether to collect mobile numbers of the ticket owners or not
  5. Owner Phone Field Title - enter the title of the mobile phone number field that will be used on the checkout
  6. Owner Phone Field Description - the description of the owner mobile phone field

Next in line are the settings for buyer and owner SMS Notifications:



  1. Buyer Purchase Notification - select whether to send an SMS notification to the ticket buyer after successful purchase or not
  2. Message Content - content of the message that will be sent to the buyer. You can enter here any text as well as use Tickera proprietary placeholders ORDER_ID, ORDER_TOTAL and ORDER_URL
  3. Ticket Owner Purchase Notification - select whether to send an SMS notification to the ticket owner after successful purchase or not
  4. Message Content - content of the message that will be sent to the ticket owner. You can enter here any text as well as use Tickera proprietary placeholders ORDER_ID, ORDER_TOTAL and ORDER_URL

Once you finish setting everything up, hit Save SMS Settings button and you're done.

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