Ticket Types
Now, when you have finished creating your event, let’s create your first ticket type for this event.
But first things first: if you are using Bridge for WooCommerce, you can completely skip this tutorial and visit the tutorial on Creating ticket type as WooCommerce product.
On Tickera menu on the left, select Ticket Types option which will bring up a page where you can Create New (1) ticket template and below you will have a table with the overview of all of your previously created ticket types and their attirubutes. However, if you have freshly installed Tickera on your website, it is perfectly normal to have only a blank table.

So, once you click Create New, the new page will load and you will be presented with plenty of options. Luckily, the options are very self explanatory and even if you get stuck and not certain what is what, there is a handy tooltip next to each of the options.
Nevertheless, lets walk through all of the available options presented on this page:
- Ticket Type Title - Ticket Type title for the event (Example: Standard ticket, VIP, Early Bird, Student, Regular Admission, etc.)
- Ticket Description - Here you can add additional ticket description. For example: Access to the whole Congress, all business networking lounges excluding the Platinum Lounge and the Official Dinner. Also you here you can use standard WordPress text formatting, Tickera's shortcodes as well as add media to description. This field is completely optional and may be left blank.
- Min. tickets per order - Limit the minimum quantity of this ticket type that can be ordered in a single order by placing a Minimum number that a customer may choose. This field is optional and if left blank, no minimum quantity limit will be set.
- Max. tickets per order - Limit the maximum quantity of this ticket type that can be ordered in a single order by placing a Maximum number that a customer may purchase. If left blank, a customer may purchase unlimited number of tickets per single order (not advisable).
- Check-ins per ticket - Here you can insert the number of allowed check-ins per one ticket.
- Limit check-ins on time basis - this option allows you to limit the number of check-ins on time basis. For example, if you're hosting a five day event and this ticket type should be allowed one check-in per each day, then you can set the number of available check-ins (previous field) to 5 and then in this field enter 1 check-in per day. More use cases for this feature can be found in our post here.
- Ticket Fee - Here you can you can add additional fee per ticket in order to cover payment gateway processing fee, service or any other type of cost. This field is completely optional and you may leave it blank if no additional fees should be applied to the ticket type.
- Ticket Fee Type - From this dropdown menu you can select ticket fee to be fixed or to be based on a percentage of the original price
- Ticket sales availability allows you to limit the time during which this ticket type will be available for sale. Open ended means that there is no limitation whatsoever while if you select During selected date range you can set the time window (start and end date and time) within which the ticket of this type can be purchased.
- Check-in availability can be used for limiting check-ins on various criteria. Open ended is default and won't impose any limitations (ticket can be checked-in at any point), During selected date range lets you select start and end date and time during which the ticket can be checked in, Within the following time after order is placed allows you to limit the check-in based on the date/time of the order and have the ticket eligible for check-in a specific amount of time after customer purchased their ticket, Within the following time after first check-in is suitable for the tickets with multiple check-ins in which case the time during which the ticket will be eligible is measured only once the ticket has been checked-in the first time and When the event starts will tie check-in availability to the event start date/time.
- Allow ticket check-out - if this option is set to Yes, when the customer checks in their ticket for the first time, a record will be created about their check-in. Now, if they check-in their ticket again, this record will be deleted and the ticket will be eligible for another check-in. This feature is geared towards keeping track on the number of attendees that are currently in the venue and allows you to see the exact number of attendees in the venue in the Checkinera app. Please note that if this option is enabled, you won't be able to limit the number of check-ins for this ticket type.
- Set Active and Publish - by switching this on and hitting that Publish button, ticket of this type becomes visible and available for purchase. Also this switch is available in the table of existing ticket types and can be switched from there so once you have finished creating your ticket type, you don't have to edit it just to make it active or inactive (which may come useful when you want to manually stop the ticket selling).
- Event - Select one of the events you have created in the first step to which you would like to associate ticket
- Price - Insert the price of a single ticket (probably one of the most important fields). Now, if you have installed our Role Based Prices add-on you will also have additional fields which will allow you to put different prices for different user roles.
- Quantity - Set the limit of available tickets. If left blank, the default value is unlimited.
- Ticket Template - Choose which ticket template you wish to use for this ticket type. You may choose the default one or the one you have created specifically to suit your needs.

So, to wrap it up: yes, there are a lot of options and it is perfectly OK to feel overwhelmed when you first open this page, but this documentation should help you understand how the stuff works with ticket types and why some fields are mandatory while others are optional. However, if you are still having trouble getting the hang of it, do not hesitate to contact our support.
Please note
If you have installed Bridge for WooCommerce add-on on your website, Ticket Types area of Tickera won't be accessible. This is because, with Bridge for WooCommerce, tickets are created and sold as WooCommerce products (as explained here) which means that Ticket Types area of Tickera is not being used when Bridge for WooCommerce add-on is installed and activated.