Ticket Templates

Tickera comes with very flexible yet easy to use, drag and drop ticket template builder which allows you to create a ticket that suits your needs perfectly. Although we believe that as soon as you start working in it you'll find it pretty self explanatory, we will go through all the options that ticket template builder is offering.

When you first visit Ticket Templates section of Tickera, you will be presented with the table that contains an overview of all of the existing ticket templates (1). If you are starting fresh with Tickera, it is perfectly normal to find only the Default one which is just an example (and is not very exciting).


The true magic, however, lies in the Add New button (2) by which you can start building your very own, personalized ticket template. Once you click Add New, ticket template builder page will load which looks like this:





So, let's dig in what do we have here...

  1. Template Title - here you can enter the title of this template which you will use afterwards to easily locate this ticket template and associate it with the particular ticket type.
  2. Ticket Elements - these tiles represent all of the available elements that you can put to your ticket template. Each tile has its name and icon so you can easily recognize what it represents. By dragging and dropping these tiles to the lower section, you are actually creating your ticket layout. Pretty simple and awesome, right? Now, depending on which Tickera add-ons you have installed, you may find additional ticket template elements. For example, if you have custom checkout form created with Custom Forms add-on which features elements you marked to show as ticket template elements, you will find corresponding elements in this list.When you start building your ticket template, you will notice that each of the elements has its own settings for basic formatting that include element alignment, element top and bottom break lines and the elements that include any kind of text are offering selection of the font size, font style and font color.Most specific of all the elements is the Google Map element which offers a field for entering coordinates or address, size of the map, zoom level and map type.
  3. Font - you can set here the font that is going to be used on your ticket. There is a number of available fonts to select from but if you don't fancy any of the included ones, you can always make use of Custom Ticket Template Fonts add-on which will allow you to add your own fonts for even better personalization.
  4. Ticket Size - here you can select the size (paper format) of your ticket.
  5. Orientation - choose whether you would like portrait or landscape layout.
  6. Document Margins - set the top, right and left margins of your ticket template.
  7. Ticket Background Image - although it may seems just like an ordinary and an obvious option, we learned through the experience that you can do wonders with the background image in terms of creating unique ticket template. For example, some of our customers are building the complete layout around the background image and some are using it to even add some static text that does not have its corresponding ticket template element. If you just think about it, you'll realize that the possibilities are truly endless.
  8. Save button - once you finish building your ticket template, hit this button to save it (Save button at the bottom of the page does the same job).


Now, after reading all of this but before you roll up your sleeves and start creating your first ticket template, we suggest you to read our post about all the ins and outs of the ticket check-in at the door where ticket template layout plays crucial role and can be deciding make or break factor for the check-in process.


* Sometimes PDF tickets cannot be generated which usually means that server doesn't allow retrieving an image (event logo, sponsor logo or background) via an absolute address. So you have to set the relative one like /wp-content/uploads/2015/08/instead of www.yoursite.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/ However, if that is not the case, please check whether the images used on your ticket template are somewhat too large. Suggested resolution for images used on ticket template is 150 DPI and within reasonable size not larger than document size. If any of these suggested solutions doesn't work, feel free to contact our support team at support.tickera.com

Note: If you intend using Cyrillic lettering in your ticket template, please download, install and activate this add-on. Otherwise, ticket template will load question marks instead of the letters. Also, if you intend using Custom Ticket Template Fonts add-on, it is important to install it AFTER installation of the add-on used for enabling Cyrillic lettering. 

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