Pin Payments
Before you start, you’ll need to create a Pin account – you can sign up here.

Once you’ve signed up get back to Tickera>Settings>Payment Gateway, select Pin Payments from Payment Gateway list, scroll down and fill in necessary information:
- PIN Mode - From this dropdown menu you can choose Force SSL (Live Site) Mode or No SSL (Testing) Mode
- PIN API Credentials - Pin Payments accounts have two types of keys: Publishable - Your publishable key can be used from insecure locations (such as browsers or mobile apps) to create cards with the cards API. This is the key you use with Pin.js to create secure payment forms in the browser. Secret - Your secret key can be used with all of the API, and must be kept secure and secret at all times. You should use your secret key from your server to create charges and refunds.You can find your keys on the account settings page of your Pin Payments account dashboard. (Look at the picture below)

- Currency - Selecting a currency other than currency supported by PIN may cause problems at checkout