Before you start using PayMill with Tickera, you should an active Paymill merchant account. If you don't have it, you can sign up here.
Now, once you’ve signed up and logged in to your account, you’ll need your to locate API keys, you can find these under My Account > Settings > API Keys

(API keys displayed on the picture above are the test API keys which are normally located under Development menu)
Now get back to Tickera>Settings>Payment Gateways, select Paymill from the list of available payment gateways, scroll down and fill in necessary information:

- Force SSL - from this dropdown menu you can choose Yes to force SSL and use PayMill on live (production) site with appropriate set of API keys or No for testing purposes for which you will need test API keys obtainable from your account under Development menu
- Private Key - paste here Private API key from your PayMill account
- Public Key - paste here Public API key from your PayMill account
- Currency - select one of the fourteen available currencies that matches a base currency set in General Settings
- Skip Payment Confirmation Page - select whether to skip payment confirmation page or not