To use Komoju payment gateway for ticket selling with Tickera, you will first need to create a merchant account here.
When finished creating an account, log in and navigate to Merchant Account (1) where you will find your Account ID (2) and Secret Key (3) like the picture below suggests:

Now, head to Tickera > Settings > Payment Gateways and activate Komoju from the list of available payment gateways. Within Komoju Settings enter all the necessary credentials:

- Mode - select Sandbox/Test or Live mode.
- Account ID - here you should paste an Account ID found within your Komoju merchant account
- Secret Key - here you should paste an Secret Key found within your Komoju merchant account
- Payment Methods - select which of the offered payment methods you would liek to use (銀行振込 Bank transfer, コンビニ Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard, JCB, AMEX), クレジットカード Convenience Store Payment (Konbini), ペイジー PayEasy, WebMoney, BitCash.
- Locale - select your shop locale (Japanese or English)
- Currency - currently, only Japanese Yen (JPY) is available but make sure it corresponds to the base currency set for your ticketing store in General Settings
- Skip Payment Confirmation Page - select whether to skip payment confirmation page or not