General settings within Tickera is the most elaborate part of the plugin settings. Most of the settings are pretty self-explanatory and feature a tooltip next to each of the fields, checkboxes or dropdown menus, but we'll walk through each of the options available and explain briefly what is what.
First off, let's break apart this huge tab to few logical sections and see what each of those is offering.
Store Settings
- Currency - Input currency that is going to be used for display purposes. Pay attention closely to this one since you have to match gateway currency with this value.
- Currency Symbol - Put currency symbol (e.g $) which is going to be shown instead of the currency ISO code (e.g USD). Currency symbol has only informative purpose and does not affect the checkout like previous (currency) setting
- Currency Position - Choose one of four currency positions to be shown
- Price Format - Choose one of four price formats to be shown
- Show Tax in Cart - If you want to tax ticket purchases on your website, set this option to YES
- Tax Rate - If the previous option is set to yes, this is the place where you should set the rate. This field is not visible if the previous option is set to NO
- Prices inclusive of tax - Choose if you want to display all prices with the included tax.
- Show Tax in Cart - Click on Yes if you want tax to be shown in cart or No to hide tax if you do not use it
- Tax Label - Input tax label (i.e. VAT, TVA, IVA, MwSt., etc.)
- If you have ticket fees that are always the same, you should use this option as it will be applied to all of your ticket types.
A - Use Global Fees - Decide whether to use global fees or not
B - Global Fee Type - Define the type of global fee (fixed amount or percentage)
C - Global Fee Scope - Scope of the fee: whether to apply it to the each individual ticket or on the complete order
D - Global Fee (value) - Here you can define the amount of global fee - should be entered without any additional symbols other than numbers (even if it is percentage)
- Show Fees - Select YES if you want fees to be shown in cart or NO to hide fees if you do not use it
- Fees Label - Name of the fees
- Force Login - If you want your customers to be logged in first, in order to purchase and/or download tickets select YES. This option also comes very handy if you want to give the ability to your customer to overview their order history on your website by using appropriate shortcode.
- Show Ticket Owner Fields - Show Ticket Owner fields on the Cart page. If this option is not selected, owner info fields will not be collected and shown on the ticket. Also, this setting affects Owner Forms created in Custom Forms add-on. If this option is set to NO and a customer purchases more than one ticket, names on all of the tickets will be the same.
- Show E-mail for Option For Ticket Owners - Show / Hide an e-mail field for the ticket owner during checkout. However, even if this is enabled, tickets will not be sent to those emails but to the buyer's email only.
- Show Discount Code - Show / Hide discount code field on the cart page. If you do not intend on using discount codes in your ticketing store, you may decide to remove that field from the checkout.

Tickera pages are offered for install immediately upon installation of the plugin and are necessary for Tickera to work properly. However, if you want to modify Tickera default pages or wish to reinstall them, you can do so in this section.
- Cart Page - Users will be able to see their cart contents, insert buyer and ticket owner(s) info on this page. You can add this page to the site menu for easy accessibility.
- Payment Page - Users will choose payment method on this page. Do NOT add this page directly to the site menu! It will be automatically used by the plugin when needed.
- Payment Confirmation Page - This page will be shown after payment completion. Information about payment status and link to order page will be visible on confirmation page. Do NOT add this page directly to the site menu. It will be automatically used by the plugin when needed.
- Order Details Page - The page where buyers will be able to check order status and / or download their ticket(s). Do NOT add this page directly to the site menu. It will be automatically used by the plugin.
- Use Virtual Process Payment Page - If you're experiencing errors with process payment page, set this option to NO and select the physical Process Payment Page
- Use Virtual IPN (Instant Payment Notification) - You should set this option to NO and select physical IPN page if you encounter errors
- Re-Install Tickera Pages - This will reinstall your default Tickera pages. However, in order to do this make sure that all of the Tickera default pages are deleted and removed from Trash
Now, if you choose to create Tickera pages manually, each page has to contain Tickera shortcodes for certain page as following:
Cart Page – [tc_cart]
Order Details Page – [tc_order_details]
Payment Page – [tc_payment]
Payment Confirmation Page – [tc_order_confirmation]
IPN Page - [tc_ipn]
Process Payment Page - [tc_process_payment]

Menu, Miscellaneous
- Show Cart Menu - Show link to Cart in Menu on the front automatically
- Order Details Pretty Links - Choose whether you want to use pretty permalinks for order details page or not
- Show Events on the Front Page - Choose whether to show the events on the front page automatically
- Multipage Ticket Template - Allow ticket template to show on more than one page in PDF (comes pretty handy when you need to print Terms and Conditions on your ticket or when you want to place elaborate event description to the ticket)
- Delete Pending Orders - Delete pending orders (which are not paid for more than 24 hours). Note: all pending orders will be deleted made via all payment gateways except Free Orders and Offline Payments

Event Settings
- Event Slug - Defines value for the Events slug on the front-end. NOTE: after changing this value, you will need to flush permalinks!
- Event Category Slug - Defines values for the Events Category slug. NOTE: after changing this value, you will need to flush permalinks!
- Attach Event Date & Time to an event post title - Show the event date and time under post title for event post type.
- Attach Event Location to an event post title - Show the event location under the post title for event post type

And that's it for the general settings. After setting things here all you need to do is to set up your Payment Gateway of choice in order to have your ticketing store up and running. However, if you are having trouble understanding any of the options mentioned here, please do not hesitate to contact our support team and they will do the best to their abilities to help you understand everything.