Export PDF
Tickera has built-in Export PDF feature which is handy for exporting list of the attendees for certain event and allows selecting which fields you would like to export. Now, let's go through all the options available here:

- Event - Choose for which event do you want to export Attendee List
- Show Columns - You can pick a fields you would like to export: Check Field (useful for manually check-ins), Ticket Owner, Payment Date, Ticket ID, Ticket Type, Buyer Name, Buyer Email.
- Document Font - select the font of the exported document
- Document Font Size - select font size (tip: if you are exporting all of the information and choose portrait document orientation, choose smaller font)
- Document Orientation - select the document orientation (tip: if you are exporting all the information and have long ticket type names, choose landscape orientation)
- Document Size - select the paper size (tip: check the supported paper sizes on your printer if you intend on printing your attendee list)
- Document Title - title of the document
- Export Data - now you just have to hit on Export Data and your attendee list will be automatically generated and downloaded