Resend email to attendees
There are cases when you might want to resend the email to the attendees that have purchased their tickets on your website. For example, you might have changed your event date, changed the layout of the tickets, or anything else.
In cases like this, you can utilize this unofficial add-on
So, once you have installed and activated this add-on, head to Tickera Settings -> Email tab. You will notice that there is now an area labeled as Resend Attendees Order Completed E-mail.

In this area, you will find several options that we'll explain below:
- Event - select the event for which you want to resend the tickets
- Send to - select whether to send emails to buyer or attendee email addresses
- Subject - Enter a subject of the email
- Order / Ticket Message - the content of the email. You can enter here any content you like and also use the placeholders that are listed below the content area.
- Send Email - once you have selected the event, entered subject and a content of your email, first click the Save Settings button below and then you can click this Send Email button which will result in sending email to all the attendees of the selected event.