FAQ & Troubleshooting
Importing Seating Charts from the staging site

Several of our customers have contacted us before inquiring how they can do this. Granted, creating an elaborate seating chart can take a lot of time so having to do this twice is not very pleasant and, needless to say, is pretty tedious and time consuming. Luckily, there is a quite simple way of doing this so in few quick steps you can have your Seating Chart layout on your live site in no time.

First, you will have to export Seating Chart data using the builtin Export functionality in WordPress. Navigate to Tools -> Export (1) on your staging site and when this page loads, select Seating Charts (2) and finally click Download Export File (3)


This will result in file with Seating Charts data being downloaded to your computer. Save it too location where you can easily access it later.

Next, navigate to the website where you want to import your seating charts and head to Tools -> Import. The last item on the list on the Import page is WordPress. If you haven't run WordPress imported yet, you will notice that there is an option named Install Now which you should click. If, however, you have used WordPress importer before, it will say Run Importer.

Once you run the importer, a new page will load letting you select your previously exported XML file (the one you have downloaded from your staging site), upload it and import values from it.


Before WordPress starts importing, you will be prompted to select to which user these imported values should be assigned. You can select here your admin username and click Submit button.

In couple of seconds, everything will be imported and WordPress will let you know that importing is done.

However, if at this point you navigate to the Seating Charts area of Tickera, you will notice that there are no seating charts albeit being imported and you might start panicking. But, in order to complete the import of Seating Charts, there is one more step to do.

Using FTP client of your choice, navigate to /wp-content/uploads/ folder on your staging site and download the whole folder named tc-seating-charts from there. When you download it, connect to your live site via FTP and upload that folder to the same location /wp-content/uploads/

When you're done uploading, you may now visit your Seating Charts area of Tickera, load some of the seating charts you have imported and everything should be exactly the same as you have created on your staging site.

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