Discount Codes
Discount codes are integral part of Tickera and may come useful in various situations. All the options found here are essentially, pretty self explanatory but let's see anyway what do we have here.
- Discount Code - Enter any combination of the alphanumeric characters you want to use as the discount code (i.e. ABC123, VIPpass, BlackFriday30, etc.)
- Discount Type - From this dropdown menu you can select discount as fixed amount or to be based on a percentage of the selling price
- Discount Value - If discount type is set to be fixed, insert the value that you want your ticket price to be reduced. For example: If ticket price is $15 and you insert discount value 10, ticket price with the discount code applied will cost $5. But if you choose 'percentage' in previous step, discount will be based on percentage which you insert. For example: If ticket price is $15 and you insert discount value 20, ticket price with code will be lower for 20% and it will cost $12
- Discount Available for - Here you can choose which ticket types you would like to associate discount code to. You may enter as many ticket types as you wish or type "All" which will be then associated to all of the ticket types available.
- Usage Limit - This field is optional but may come handy if you want to limit the usage of certain discount code for certain number of times
- Expiration Date - Here you are able to set the date and time when the certain discount code expires (useful for i.e. black friday sales, early bird offering and similar time-based discount offers)
- Add New - Once you have entered all the desired credentials above, click Add New button to create a discount code
- Available Discount Codes - this table displays an overview of all of the available discount codes. Also, it will list all of the discount codes created with the Bulk Discount Codes add-on.

Note: when the discount code is applied during the checkout, it only affects the base price of the ticket while ticket fees and global fees will remain intact. So, if you intend on using 100% discount code (gift code) and want to eliminate all the other fees and taxes, please look up for the solution found here.