Custom Forms

Custom Forms is very powerful add-on that enables you to collect any kind of information about ticket buyer or each of the attendees that you need. Additionally, you can associate different attendee form to each of the ticket types so you can collect different information about the attendees depending on which ticket type they added to their cart.

Check out quick video tutorials below on how to use Custom Forms add-on:

If you're running Tickera as a standalone


If you're running Tickera alongside WooCommerce via Bridge for WooCommerce add-on



Detailed explanation

Now, after you have installed and activated  Custom Forms add-on you will notice that another submenu item have appeared in Tickera menu (1). When clicked, a new page will load where you can find a table with all of the forms you have previously created (2) and create new custom form the scratch (3). 


Please note that it is perfectly normal to have blank table here if you are starting fresh with the Custom Forms add-on.


Now, when you click Add New, a new page will load where you can create new custom checkout form with plenty of options to choose from:



  1. Title - set the title of this custom form. Please note that this will not be shown anywhere on the front end and will be used only to easily locate it from the dropdwon menu within ticket types. So, basically, you can enter here anything that suits your needs.
  2. Form Type - select whether you are creating ticket buyer or ticket owner form. Now, while multiple ticket owner forms can be created and associated to different ticket types. form for the ticket buyer can be created only once and is the same regardless of the ticket types added to the cart.
  3. Custom Form elements area - here you can arrange the layout of your custom form just by dragging and dropping the elements.
  4. Custom Form elements - these are the elements that are at your disposal and that can be placed to the Custom Form elements area any way you like. Also, you can use the same element as many times as you need to create multiple fields with different values.
  5. Save - once done creating a Custom Form, hit this button to save it.

When you finish creating your custom form, you may end up with something like this:



Also, you may notice on this picture that each of the Custom Form elements has its own set of options:


  • Checkbox (Multichoice)

Checkbox (Multichoice) is used to present a set of options on the checkout easily selectable by checking corresponding checkboxes. Following options can be found within this element:




1. Field Label -  enter the label of this element

2. Field Description - enter the description of this element

3. Values - enter available values here (separated by comma)

4. Additional options - Check here if you would like this field to be required, to allow exporting with PDF or CSV Export add-on, to create ticket template element with the data from this field, to show on admin order page and to show the data from this field in the Check-in app.


  • Input Field

Input field allows collecting text based data from your customers (i.e. number of the license plates) . Within this element you will find the following options:




1. Field Label -  enter the label of this element

2. Field Placeholder - enter a placeholder for this field

3. Field Description - enter the description of this element

4. Additional options - Check here if you would like this field to be required, to allow exporting with PDF or CSV Export add-on, to create ticket template element with the data from this field, to show on admin order page and to show the data from this field in the Check-in app.


  • Radio (Single Choice)

Radio button is suitable for offering a selection of predefined single choice (i.e. selecting a T-Shirt size). Within this element the following options are at your disposal:




1. Field Label -  enter the label of this element

2. Field Description - enter the description of this element

3. Values - enter available values here (separated by comma)

4. Default Value - value that will be selected by defauly

5. Additional options - Check here if you would like to allow exporting of this field with PDF or CSV Export add-on, to create ticket template element with the data from this field, to show on admin order page and to show the data from this field in the Check-in app.


  • Select (Dropdown)

Dropdown menu element is suitable for selecting one of the predefined values that you would like to offer to your customers.




1. Field Label -  enter the label of this element

2. Field Placeholder - enter a placeholder for this field

3. Field Description - enter the description of this element

4. Values - enter here a predefined values separated by comma

5. Default Value - enter the default value that will be selected by default

6. Additional options - Check here if you would like this field to be required, to allow exporting with PDF or CSV Export add-on, to create ticket template element with the data from this field, to show on admin order page and to show the data from this field in the Check-in app.


  • Textarea 

Textarea allows your customers to enter any kind of additional comments, optional instructions, etc. This field is offering a following options:




1. Field Label -  enter the label of this element

2. Field Placeholder - enter a placeholder for this field

3. Field Description - enter the description of this element

4. Additional options - Check here if you would like this field to be required, to allow exporting with PDF or CSV Export add-on, to create ticket template element with the data from this field, to show on admin order page and to show the data from this field in the Check-in app.






As you have probably already noticed, all of these fields can have a corresponding ticket template element if you choose so.


That will allow you to place the data collected via that element directly on your ticket template.


Also, as you may have noticed, you can export all the data collected using Custom Form fields which, if selected, looks like this:



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