Check-in App Translation

Check-in App Translation add-on enables you to translate Check-in apps for iOS and Android as well as Check-in Chrome Desktop app. As soon as you install and activate it, you will notice that another tab appeared within Tickera Settings named Check-in App Translation. Although the options here are pretty self explanatory, let's dig in and explain what is what.




  1. The list of all the strings that are translatable - on the left side you will find the default (English) while right nest to each of the original strings there is an input field where you can enter corresponding text on your language. Also, this might come handy if you don't like some of the default wording so you can change it to whatever you like.
  2. Once done with editing, click Save Settings button.

Now, sign in to the Check-in app on your device with your website URL and your event API and you'll be able to see all the modified wording (in case you were already singed in, sign out and sign in again to pull the translation)




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