Attendees & Tickets
Attendees & Tickets provides an overview of all the attendees for you events. You can filter this table based on the dates, events and order statuses. Also, this table provides all the useful information about your attendees sorted in columns as following:

- Attendee - first and last name of the attendee
- Ticket Code - each ticket is given a unique ticket code
- Ticket Type - a ticket type that particular attendee owns
- Event - an event that particular owner has ticket for
- Order - order number - by clicking particular order number, you will load order details page for that particular attendee
- Order status - displays the status of the order this ticket instance belongs to - this comes in handy when checking if someone's ticket is eligible for check-i
- Ticket - from this column you can either click View which will load PDF preview of the ticket delivered to the attendee or you can click Download to download particular attendee's ticket in PDF format
- Check-ins - number of successful and failed check-ins for all the attendees. By clicking on the details in this column, a new page will load where you can see all the check-ins for that particular attendee and times when the check-in occurred

Additionally, from this page, you can manually check-in an attendees using previously selected API key or delete an existing check-in so that the ticket can be checked-in again.