Adding A Staff Member

As you may or may not know, user roles in WordPress are great for defining permissions for certain users to perform a certain group of tasks. By default WordPress offers some predefined roles with a predefined set of permissions. These roles are Super Admin, Administrator, Editor, Author, Contributor, and Subscriber. Each role has a certain number of allowed tasks which are also known as “capabilities”. For example a user with an Administrator (role) has access to all the administration features, Editor is somebody who can publish and manage posts including the posts of other users,etc.

Once you install Tickera you will have the possibility to add a Staff Role. Staff, in regards to Administrator, has only access to these two sections of Tickera: Attendees & Tickets and Barcode Reader.

Now, to add a user with the Staff user role, you should follow this simple instruction:


First hover on the Users menu and click Add New like shown on the picture below



That will load a new page where you will be able to enter all the credentials for a new user and set their role as Staff


  1. Username - enter username for Staff member
  2. E-mail - enter their e-mail address
  3. First Name (optional)
  4. Last Name (optional)
  5. Website (optional)
  6. Password - to set arbitrary password, click Show Password button which will reveal a text box where you can enter and repeat the password. However, if you don't do that, a random password generated by WordPress will be sent by email to the new user once you finish adding user.
  7. Role - From this dropdown menu select 'Staff"
  8. Add New User - when done, hit this button to create new user with Staff permissions


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