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Home Office Based Event Manager: When is it a good idea?

Like any other vocation, event managers find themselves torn between the need, necessity or luxury to choose where to base the office. At a time like this, they find themselves jotting down the pros and cons in order to clarify what is and what could be more beneficial for them, their business image and finally, their family.
If you are not a huge fan of commuting, and you like to have breakfast at home, don’t miss an occasional chat with colleagues and, most importantly, if you are a person aware of the negative aspects lurking behind working from home, then having a home based office is definitely a good idea. This suggests that you recognize, reduce or minimize distractions and maximize efficiency.
Of course, not every business can be run from a home based office. So where does that place event management agencies? Somehow it is clear that large companies cannot be seriously and efficiently managed from the comfort of one’s home, however, smaller, family event management companies which specialize in specific event organization such as small romantic weddings and birthday parties can pull this off quite successfully.


Con #1 – Dividing the private and business life

Does this sound doable or challenging? At the first attention drop, you might reach for the fridge and turn on the TV, even though it is not the time for a break, yet, which makes it even more difficult to go back to finishing the task. Moreover, the household chores can seem more attractive than whatever is next on your list.
In addition to that, no one monitors you, therefore Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social networks are at your fingertips and it is difficult to resist. Also, it is hard not to spend more time with family, especially if you have children. On the top of that, a drink with friends cannot be refused so easily. To make the matters worse, these are only some of many procrastinating activities that you will find appealing.
How to fight it?
Proposed solution:
Firstly, you need is a mental preparation for the working day.  You might try taking a few deep breaths, setting yourself with a goal of which things you will deal with in the next few hours, before you take a break. Secondly, setting up a separate room can mean a lot. If you do not have conditions to have an office per se, you can invest in a home office cupboard which gives another advantage: shutting it closed and away from sight after the working day is over.

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Con#2 - Lack of space

Event management business requires that you own a certain amount of equipment for the event organization. Flats are usually not large enough to keep all the gadgets inside. Also, the spouses look down on having their houses turned into storages.
Proposed solution:
Spacious garage (if you have it).
Warehouse rent (or a storage unit).
Agreement on cooperation with several companies that rent items of interest for the organization (which calls for some more in advance planning and leaves almost no space for “at the last minute” occurrences).


Con #3 - Defining working hours

Lazy mornings should be avoided, if not forgotten. Starting the day off late means ending it late and that is in the majority of cases at the expense of productivity and professionalism. The same goes for staying in late where the effects regarding productivity are the same.
Not to mention that being a working-from-home-parent gives you a convenience of not missing soccer practices, car pooling and baby-sitting. As good as it sounds the more damage it can bring to your business.

Proposed solution:
As with the separation of private and business life, you must be persistent and determined in the intention to have well defined and arranged business life.
Clearly establish working hours and stick to them. Make some adjustments in family life and introduce the rules when everyone is at home. For example, homework should be done while you are still working and when all of you are done, reward yourself with a quality family time together (that is anyway the number one reason people opt for working from home, right?)


Con #4 - Meetings with clients

You will agree that it is not professional to receive clients at home. Of course, the exception is if your office is detached and offers the comfort of privacy together with the professional atmosphere and service.
Proposed solution:
Most customers will not mind cafés and a good coffee, business brunches, lunches and semi-formal dinners. With collaborative software we have available today, there is no need to have gadgets with you, other than your smart phone, as from the start you are able to share everything with your client, keep them involved and monitoring every step of the way (including some other benefits that are not the topic today).
In the end, there is always the option of seeing your potential client in their own office.


Con #5 - No small talk and lunch with colleagues

What you could miss from having a home based office is socializing with your colleagues over the coffee maker or the printer.
Proposed solution:
Working from home does not mean seclusion and eternal silence, rather freedom to socialize at your own convenience.
In case you are still employed in a company but work from home and have colleagues who work in the office or are home based, there are still ways for keeping that bond and share an occasional chat through Skype or Line. Even if you run your own business, the same can be done.


Let’s give attention to some of the pros now.


Pro #1 - You will never miss important moments with your family

The first steps and the first spoken words of your child, guilt free PT meetings or ability to attend them, being there for all sorts anniversaries, birthdays and other important dates.


Pro #2 - It is cheaper

You do not have to pay for the rental of premises and additional utilities.


Pro #3 - There is no dress code

If you do not have a scheduled online meeting you can work in the athlete shirt or whatever makes you feel productive and comfortable that day.


Pro #4- No one is watching over your shoulder

You are your own boss; stress and tension are at its minimum, schedules easily arranged and re-arranged, while planning vacations never gives you headache.


Being aware of the most common difficulties of home based working can give you a head start in anticipating and overcoming obstacles which can threaten you work. On the other hand, pros can serve as motivation for going forward, hanging in through the bad days and increasing your efficiency at any time.

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