FAQ & Troubleshooting
Event tickets not displaying

So, you have created your event and ticket types and placed a shortcode to display your tickets on some of your pages or posts or you are using the event page with Show Tickets Automatically option enabled. But when you navigate to your event page or page/post which contains your event tickets shortcode but it looks like there are not tickets. At this point you are most probably starting to panic.

Luckily, this problem is not exactly a problem but rather a feature which you have most probably oversaw 🙂

When creating ticket types in Tickera, there is an option to set the available dates for ticket selling (see the screenshot below).


Often, our customers set up these dates to match the actual event ticket selling start and and end availability dates which is, almost always some time in the future. And this is how the "problem" actually starts. Naturally, once you have created event and ticket types, you would like to test how everything works but unless you have set available dates for ticket selling as open ended or set the starting date to today's or earlier date and current or earlier time, no tickets will be displayed since they are, well, not yet available for selling 🙂

So, you can simply change this setting to open ended for the testing purposes and after you're done with the testing and made sure everything works, you can then schedule the correct start and end date and time for the ticket selling.

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