– Add event name column to the event table and cart

In case you want to add the event name column to the event table and cart you just have to add this into your functions.php file:

add_action( 'tc_event_col_title_before_ticket_title', 'tc_event_col_title_before_ticket_title_new' );
add_action( 'tc_event_col_value_before_ticket_type', 'tc_event_col_value_before_ticket_type_new', 10, 1 );
function tc_event_col_title_before_ticket_title_new() {?>
    <th><?php _e( 'Event', 'mp' ); ?></th>

function tc_event_col_value_before_ticket_type_new( $ticket_type_id ) {
    $event_id = get_post_meta($ticket_type_id, 'event_name', true);
    $event = new TC_Event( $event_id ); ?>
    <td><?php echo $event->details->post_title; ?></td>

add_action( 'tc_cart_col_title_before_ticket_type', 'tc_cart_col_title_before_ticket_type' );
function tc_cart_col_title_before_ticket_type() { ?>
    <th><?php _e( 'Event', 'tc' ); ?></th>

add_action( 'tc_cart_col_value_before_ticket_type', 'tc_cart_col_value_before_ticket_type', 10, 1 );
function tc_cart_col_value_before_ticket_type( $ticket_type_id ) {
    $ticket_type = new TC_Ticket( $ticket_type_id ); $event_id = $ticket_type->get_ticket_event();
    $event = new TC_Event( $event_id ); ?> <td class="ticket-event"><?php echo $event->details->post_title; ?></td>
<?php }

add_filter( 'tc_cart_table_colspan', 'tc_cart_table_colspan' );
function tc_cart_table_colspan( $colspan ) {
    return $colspan + 1;
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